Saturday 30 January 2016

Snow is on the way

The forecast leading up to departure is showing there could be up to 50cm of snow in the four days before we leave on Feb 12th.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Hoodies are here

We are delighted to say the ski hoodie has arrived.

I will meet with the students to give them out as soon as I have been given the hotel room allocations.

Friday 22 January 2016

Hoodie arrival

The ski hoodie will arrive in school in the next few days and will be given to students in the final meeting we will have when hotel roomings are also sorted.

Passports and EHIC's

A reminder to double check expiry.
I will be in cr2 on Friday 5th Feb before school to collect these and lock them away ready for our departure.

Thursday 14 January 2016


Traditionally the departure day has been a school INSET day but is not this year.  Students need to bring their bags to the school theatre before 8.30am on Friday 12th February.  They will attend normal lessons during periods 1,2 and 3 and can wear their travel clothes.  There will be a 30 minute lunch break before we meet at the theatre at 12.45pm to collect bags.  We will load the coach on Loughborough Road and depart at 1.30pm. If you want to wave the coach off, then i advise you to be at the school entrance gate for 1.15pm but be aware we will need space to load the coach. The coach will then leave for departure to Dover


The mild winter has seen snowfall sparse this season but the resort of Via Lattea is now seeing decent snowfall being recorded and it is wildly predicted to stay that way. Temperatures have dropped considerably in the past day or so and could be as low as -15.